CD-ROM Today - The Disc! 5
CD-ROM Today - The Disc (Issue 5)(November 1994).ISO
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This help file covers several aspects of functions:
1) Introduction
2) Function arguments
3) Function return values
4) Function recursion
5) Function variable scoping
1) Introduction ------------------------------------------------
Functions are an essential part of the language. Learning how
to create and use functions will greatly add to the benefits
of using RLaB.
It is important to remember that functions adhere to the RLaB
rule: "everything is a variable". Functions are variables, and
like the other types or classes of variables in RLaB can be
printed (although it will be hard to understand the output),
copied, and renamed. Functions cannot act as operands to
numeric operators, although the result of the function usually
can. Since function calls are evaluated "in-place" they can be
used within other expressions, for example:
> sin(cos(1.0))
> sin( [ cos(0.3), sqrt(cos(0.3)) ] )
0.817 0.829
The syntax used for function definition is a little unusual...
> sum = function (s)
local(i, Sum);
Sum = 0;
for(i in 1:size(s)) {
Sum = Sum + s[i];
return Sum;
creates a function, and assigns it to the variable `sum'.
Sum is invoked like:
> sum( [1,2,3,4,5] )
2) Function arguments ------------------------------------------
RLaB supports both "pass by reference" and "pass by value" for
passing arguments to a function.
Pass by reference means that the argument can be modified in
the caller's scope. Pass by value means that a function cannot
modify variables in the caller's scope - essentially, an
argument that is passed by value is copied, and the copied
value is passed to the function to operate on.
Pass by reference can be considered the default behavior,
since it takes no special effort on the user's part. Pass by
value is achieved by declaring function arguments to be
local. For example:
// Pass by reference
> myf = function ( A ) { A = "changed"; return A; }
> B=10;
> myf(B);
> B
B =
// Pass by value
> myf = function ( A ) { local (A) A = "changed"; return A; }
> B=10;
> myf(B);
> B
B =
In the previous example B, a variable in the global workspace,
is changed by myf (pass by reference). In the second part of
the example, the function argument A, is redeclared to be
local. This redeclaration forces the function argument to be
passed by value.
One advantage of this behavior is that users can create
functions and selectively decide which variables should be
passed by reference, and which should be passed by value.
* * *
You do not have to call a function with the same number of
arguments specified in the definition. If you invoke a
function with more arguments than declared, the result is an
error. If you call the function with less arguments than
declared, RLaB will pad the argument list with UNDEFINED,
objects. Additionally, commas may be used to "skip" arguments
that are unnecessary. for each argument that is "skipped" an
UNDEFINED variable is passed to the function during execution.
UNDEFINED arguments can be detected with the exist function,
for example:
if (!exist (ARG))
ARG = 0; // Initialize undefined argument
* * *
Lists can be used to get the effect of variable argument
lists. If you are not familiar with lists, then now would be a
good time to `help LIST'. A function can take a list as an
argument and then pull the actual number of list elements, and
their values, from the list when the function is called. For
> vlistf = function( l )
printf( "number of elements in variable arg-list = %i\n", size(l) );
// Pull each element from the list
for( i in 1:size(l) )
x = l.[i];
// now do something with x
> vlistf( << "string"; [1,2;3,4] >> )
number of elements in variable arg-list = 2
* * *
Functions can take other functions as arguments, for example:
> trick = function ( a , b )
> trick( eye, [3,3] );
matrix columns 1 thru 3
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
Note that the function name, passed as an argument, did not
need quotes. This is so because functions are variables in the
same sense as scalars, strings, and matrices. The variable a
in the previous function example refers to the function eye,
since function args are passed by reference.
3) Function return values --------------------------------------
All functions return a value, although the return statement is
optional. If a return statement is not used, then the function
will return 0 (zero) to the calling environment. If the return
statement is used, the the result of the return statement is
passed back to the calling environment.
Functions can only return a single entity to the calling
environment. If it is necessary to return more than one
entity, a list can be used to group multiple entities together
for return.
We want to write a function that creates a set of matrices (a
state-space model). We will write such a function, and group
the separate matrices together in a list.
> ss = function( w )
local(A, B, n);
n = size( w )[1];
A = [ zeros(n,n), eye(n,n);
-w; zeros(n,n) ];
B = ones(n,n);
return << A = A; B = B >>;
The return statement creates the list, and assign the names
`A' and `B' to it's members.
Since functions are evaluated "in-place" their return values
can be manipulated in the usual ways, for example:
> eig(symm(rand(3,3))).val
val =
-0.937 0.571 1.81
> eig(symm(rand(3,3))).val[2]
> rand(10,10)[1,3,5;2,4,6]
0.29 0.411 0.345
0.561 0.686 0.0287
0.269 0.324 0.57
4) Function recursion ------------------------------------------
Functions can call themselves recursively. Since a function is
stored in the same manner as a variable, the function can be
deleted, or renamed. Therefore, users must be careful not to
rename functions that call themselves or they must use the
`$self' keyword.
> fact = function (f)
if(f <= 1) {
return 1;
return f*$self(f-1);
> fact(10)
5) Function variable scoping -----------------------------------
All function variables are GLOBAL by default. Since builtin
and user-functions are treated like ordinary variables this
ensures that user-functions have full access to existing
builtin and user functions. If you need local variables, use
the local statement at the beginning of your function.
> x = function(y)
for( i in 1:y.n ) {
y[i] = 0;
return y;
The local statement declares `i' to be a local scalar variable
with initial value UNDEFINED. When the function returns the
variable `i' will cease to exist. When x() is called again `i'
will again be re-initialized UNDEFINED. The local statement
must be the 1st statement in a function, and only one local
statement is allowed. If you must declare alot of local
variables, then break the local statement with a continuation.
local(i, j, k,...
l, m, n);
Local variables are resolved 1st. When a name collision occurs
between a local variable, and a global variable, including
builtin functions, the local variable takes precedence.